
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why I Hate Vlogging and Vloggerheads

(click pic for Revver flick)

Let's talk about
What I think.
What I think about.
What I think about you.
What I think you should think.
What I think you should think about.
What I think you should think about me.

I loath vlogging: the insider pranks, the hive mentality, messin' with people's heads, mind games, making a fool outta folks, aggrandizing stink. It's passive aggressive. Acting superior to us common folk just 'cause they figured out how to operate a webcam. Who do those fucktards think they are? The über class?

It's flim flam foolery and I don't like it. With me it's WYSIWYG. I am what I am and I ain't nothin' else. No tricks. Nonfiction theater. I wouldn't trust a vlogger as far as I could throw their chubby, sedentary asses.

I am probably hypersensitive to ethno and other centric and classist behaviors. I'll admit that. When I was a teenager, I went to Central Baptist Church every Wednesday and Sunday night like clockwork, because its what you do in Marshall. What else would one do in Marshall? Seems a silly question. But when integration stormed Marshall and I saw deacons of the church trying to bar black kids from entering the building, I walked out and have never stepped foot in a Baptist church again. I'm hardheaded like that.

And I'm opinionated. I used to be open-minded but my brains kept slipping out. But just as I don't have to like somebody to listen to what they have to say, I don't have to dislike them to think they're full of shit. Kids these days, I tell you, they seem clueless as to what the term "open-minded" means.

The vloggers/vlogging I'm talking about is the head-in-a-box crap. Looks like facial masturbation to me. Sounds like it, too. Masturbation is an act of narcissistic self love. So is vlogging.

Here's my 4 main points on vloggers:

1. If you disagree with one, you're just being judgmental. Or worse yet, Republican. What a gaggle of hypocrites.

2. They're always apologizing for not burdening you often enough with the details of their personal hygiene. Who needs 'em?

3. All vloggers are afflicted with Tardive Dyskinesia and should seek immediate medical attention.

4.Vloggers prove the counterintuitive proposition that whenever corralled, there are always more horses asses than horses.

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  1. Your vlog against (about) vlogging directed me away from that path. Thank you.
    : )

  2. Another soul saved. :)

    My reward will be in heaven.

  3. oh my god.
    thank you.
    finally another person out there who understands vlogging and how fucking disgusting it is.


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