"There are ample venues where one can view photos of the homeless, but what happens when we turn that concept around and see life through the eyes of the homeless?
What develops is a visual story of life from a unique perspective. Carving out a life in the raw urban elements, the street savvy must acquire skills and knowledge the rest of us know little about.
Basing our quest upon the axiom that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we seek to present a view of the world as one who is homeless. Capturing the beauty of life as observed and experienced by the homeless is one of the goals of the Homeless Camera Adventure." ---THCA
Tags: The Homeless Camera Adventure, homeless, homelessness, indigent, vagrant, vagabond, transient, hobo, drifter, bum, beggar, skid row, urban nomad, street life, poor, poverty, shelterless, tramp, viewpoint, camera, photography, social viewpoint, safety net, blog, blogger, James Jarvis
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