
Friday, September 29, 2006

Homeless Court and Forced Labor Camps In America

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I just discovered that we have a Homeless Court here at the vets' dorm. Apparently, all the new laws in Torrance, Gardena, Inglewood, Silverlake and many more of the satellite cities in and around Los Angeles outlawing homelessness and homeless behavior are reaping big benefits to those cities . . . big enough to support a separate court from the regular income generator (traffic court).

Homeless Court. How do they come up with these moneymakers? A few minutes ago, one of the new vet's dorm residents was telling me how the city of Silverlake confiscated his car when they found out he was living in it. Just took it away from him and sold it at auction. Threw him out into the street. THEN they fined him 60 hours community service for sleeping on the street.

What a brilliant scam. Take the cars and trucks away from the homeless and then force them into labor camps. Free property and free labor. Ain't America grand!?

This place where I'm at now is not part of the Veteran's Administration. It's a nonprofit corporation called U.S. Vets that gets money from the VA to suck money out of veterans. U.S. Vets also has contracts to retail food it gets from the Los Angeles Food Bank to halfway houses and now it has landed a contract to run Homeless Court for all these little cities who want to profit from homelessness.

Hang tightly onto your jobs, folks and pay your rent on time . . . otherwise, I might be seeing you here in the labor camps much much quicker than you would believe. MUCH quicker if you live in L.A.


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