Tags: veterans shelter, homeless, homeless shelter, bums, beggars, panhandlers, lobcocks, loobies, hobos, tramps, vagrants, mumblecrusts, macrogasters, crack motels, veterans, lubbards, money management, short term goals, long term goals, prevailing culture, conspicuous consumption, counterculture, window dressing, Strongs Concordance, flummoxed, drug culture, trailer trash, white trash, IH 10, hoopdee car, Dallas, Texas, RV, the lost grandpa, lung capacity, smoking cessation classes, Bring Me Your Love, Trail of the Urban Nomad, The 72 hour Men, Ironweed, MMPI, St Marys University, mark of the beast, bible study, mad money, psychiatric consult, jarvis, marquisdejolie, Revver, viral video, factotum
My Money Management class homework was to write a few lines about my short and long term goals in life. As usual, I riffed:
I am a 48 year-old man with counterculture goals. I also have goals that conform to the prevailing American culture of over-consumption and shallow materialism. This conflict between spirituality and consumerism has been with me for a long, long time and I am still struggling with it, so you may notice that some of the goals listed below may be in conflict with other life targets listed.
My overall overriding goal in life is to become a better human being through service to others. Everything else is really inconsequential, just window dressing. But in order to help others, I must first become a whole human being. That’s going to take a little more time.
In 1995, I began an intensive bible study that included the purchase of a Strong’s Concordance. I studied three to five hours every day for several years until I felt strong enough to practice my learning on human beings.
My short-term goals to pave the way for this reconnection is to finish repairs to the car I’m giving my mother so that she will have transportation to the grocery store and also so that I will have backup transportation for my visits there.
My mother lives in east Texas and I have blown up two automobiles out in the desert along the IH10 interstate highway trying to visit her. It’s an ugly hoopdee car I’ve bought for my mom and it’s still in Dallas, Texas until I can get it to my mom’s little pohunk town, but it sure would be nice to have a backup clunker in case I blow up my current car trying to get to her.
Also, I would like to finish the repairs on an RV I’m giving to my son, send some money to my daughter to ease her financial stresses during her current pregnancy, visit my grandchildren so they don’t call me “the lost grandpa” any more, visit my sisters and get treatment for my oldest sister.
The bridge between my short-term and long-term family goals is a job that allows a lot of time off. Perhaps teaching.
My short-term health/physical goals include quiting cigarettes, losing weight, developing the habit of daily exercise, lowering my high blood pressure, increasing my lung capacity and lowering my obscenely high cholesterol.
Quiting cigarettes is not going to be easy. I’ve tried all sorts of things, from patches and pills to gums and hypnosis. I’ve already signed up for the VA’s Smoking Cessation class several times, but somehow it never materializes. The scheduler is probably out back having a smoke.
I have various strategies for the other health goals, including exercise and nutritional changes in my lifestyle.
My short-term recreational goals are to buy a more modern laptop with greater harddrive storage capacity, to continue writing creatively every day, to continue reading creatively every day, to create more digital art with Photoshop, finding a decent woman (or two) for companionship and to continue working to help The 72-Hour Men (a gaggle of Crenshaw homeless men I’ve adopted).
These short-term goals will keep me in the “inspirable” mode a writer needs to continue in his craft. Since I’ve been here at the vets’ dorm, I’ve written a few anecdotal things to keep in practice, things like “Doppleganger Curiosity, Irony Stalks Me Through The Streets, The Gelatinous-Blooded Veterans Association Needs Gas Money, Wearing The Yoke of the Oppressor, Ironweed Goes Dancing, My Daily Leakage, Autonomy Is A Four Letter Word, Truculence In The Slow Lane and Trying To Do Magic in the Land of The Unbelievers.” These little things keep me motivated.
My short-term goals include completing my college units to get a BS or BA, catching up on all the new Macintosh system software, improving my Windows software skills and learning more about how to shop my writing and digital art.
The MMPI that I completed at St. Mary’s University suggests that my personality type would be most comfortable as a lawyer or journalist. I have already been a journalist and found the field to be rife with lies and immorality. Perhaps I should seek more education in a more honorable field, like lawyering.
My short-term goals are to continue to assist The 72 Hour Men, to find my voice in the church and to positively influence humanity through my writing and art. Oops, I went long-term again.
To get that stuff, I’ll need a pretty good job and some serious mad money.
I got a psychiatric consult out of this homework.
’m long overdue for a Money Report, so here’s one to check up on what I’ve been up to recently. Things have been proceeding as planned for the most part. A lot of my time recently has been spent on a big project at my real job and the rest of the time on minding the fort at home.